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HKV-001 Project

HKV-005 Project

HKV-008 Project

HKV series player Android app project

BiRadio Project

ACM for locks system

BiCast system

Wobbi Portal


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Website(BiWeb, version:, date: 6/12/2021)
Information last updated: 3/10/2023
Browser: IE(Desktop)

BiCast system

This is an useful system in the internet world which can help people to establish one's own voice broadcast system,
search and access other's BiCast service.

BiCast Portal: the offcial BiCast portal and website
BiCast Server: software installed for BiCast broadcast service
BiCast Client: software installed for search and access BiCast service
HKV series devices: Android apps work with HKV series device to access BiCast system

BiCast Protocol

This protocol is for streaming media over the internet, it can be used in broadcasting and POD(Play On Demond) service.

We developed it for our BiCast system, it supports audio file as WAV/OGG/MP3/WMA/AAC format, adaptive using UDP or HTTP transport protocol.
We previous designed it for 8-bit MCU system, and easily to be used in all powerful CPU system.
It uses our own 128 x 8bit encryption algorithm which is fast and high-efficient and easy implementation in 8-bit embedded system.
We have developmented BiCast server software and Bicast client software, and HKV series devices,

it's make it easy to establish the POD system for free.

BiCast Server Software

BiCast Server Software can be installed in PC to establish one's own internet voice broadcast freely.

Support System:

OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000

Main function:

  • Support BiCast protocol
  • Spport as UDP/TCP server
  • Support WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3 file
  • Voice record, Tag edit feature

BiCast Client Software

BiCast Client Software can be installed in your PC as a little utility for BiCast service,
it can search the available BiCast server on the internet via BiCast portal, and alsi can access
other's BiCast service, using this software, user can select the voice file for playback.


Support System:

OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000

Main Functions:

  • Support BiCast Protocol
  • Support UDP/TCP server
  • Options such as: Play during download/Continous play etc.


Hong Kong free newspaper audio system
An multimedia(audio) platform for free newspaper broadcasting.


Please contact us to be a beta tester.

Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development