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HKV-001 Project

HKV-005 Project

HKV-008 Project

HKV series player Android app project

BiRadio Project

ACM for locks system

BiCast system

Wobbi Portal


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Copyright © 2013-2023 Wobbi Technology Limited,All rights Reserved
Website(BiWeb, version:, date: 12/6/2021)
Information last updated: 3/10/2023
Browser: IE(Desktop)


BiCast system/platform

We have developed BiCast protocol which can be used as POD + broadcasting system, we can provide both server and client software and also the standalone internet endpoints.

HKV series internet radio

We have developed HKV series internet radio devices, and also we can provide the solution for OEM/ODM.

Wobbi Portal

We have developed Wobbi Portal an internet radio station portal from Hong Kong, it is the right place where so many internet radio stations can be found, you can check and search internet radio station using web browser, listen the internet radio station using installed media player, this platform can support WobbiTech products include BiRadio software, HKV series manager and HKV series Android apps. we can provide radio search service to others.
Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development