WobbiTech ¶Ç²Î¤¤¤å English





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Android/iOS App download

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HKV-001 Project

HKV-005 Project

HKV-008 Project

HKV series player Android app project

BiRadio Project

ACM for locks system

BiCast system

Wobbi Portal


Our Play Store

Our Apple Store

Copyright © 2013-2023 Wobbi Technology Limited,All rights Reserved
Website(BiWeb, version:, date: 6/12/2021)
Information last updated: 3/10/2023
Browser: IE(Desktop)

Documents and Downloads

Datasheets and Brochures

Applications and Apps

  • BiRadio internet radio Software V1.2(zip)
  • Just download and unzip to a folder, run "BiRadio_setup.exe" to install the software, it supports both English and Chinese version at present. We have preset over 50 stations in Favorite list, user can delete or add new station so as to make a favorite station list. BiRadio supports almost all radio stations in Hong Kong, no matter they are on-air on internet only.
  • HKV-001/HKV-005 compatiable Android app HKV-15 V0.0.x(apk)
  • Please download using Android device and install.
Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development