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HKV-005 internet radio system

HKV-005 is a PC-free internet device for audio stream playback, it can access the world wide internet radio station via internet, supported by Wobbi Portal website, the support manager software and android app can also help to search the prefer station, manage the favorite station list.

System server

Our wetsite Wobbi Portal is a powerful web server, not only supports HTTP web browser but also supports the HKV series devices, Manager Software, BiRadio internet radio software. The website has the data and information of more than 3000 internet radio stations around the world, we keep on adding more and more new data to the database, this site supports multiple languages at present time(english, tranditional chinese).

HKV-005 device

Very simply but powerful easy use internet radio

HKV-15(0HKV-001/HKV-005) updated flyer(English, pdf)

Main functions:

  • WiFi connectable for home or office wireless router, connect upto three access points automatically
  • Support multiple internet audio streaming protocol(HTTP web, RTSP, Icecast and SHOUTcast)
  • Support LAN MyCast, BiCast POD protocol
  • built-in 1Mbit RAM to support buffer size up to 8 seconds for 128kbps stream
  • Built-in speaker, external sub speaker for stereo channels
  • Output power upto 2 x 2-Watt THD+N=1% with two 4 OHM speakers
  • Station channel display
  • 8 preset station buttons
  • InfraRed remote controller
  • Support by HKV-005 Manager Software(HKV-005MS): Manager Software for staion management and setup
  • Support by Andriod app: Remote control, radio staion management and setup

HKV-005 Manager Software

This untility can connect to your HKV-005 device in same LAN, with its powerful functions, you can manage your own station list, search on-line for preference station, edit the staion information, listen station for testing and even add your own station. Also you can manage your playback list for the audio file in PC, and HKV-005 can be configed as your LAN speaker.

Main functions:

  • HKV-005 settings setup
  • Radio list management
  • Search internet radio station on-line
  • LAN speaker function
  • WiFi settings, configuration for 3 access points
  • HKV-005 control panel
PC software Win32 version for Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000

Android App

Android app for HKV-005


HKV-005 documents and software download

Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development