WobbiTech ¶Ç²Î¤¤¤å English





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HKV-001 Project

HKV-005 Project

HKV-008 Project

HKV series player Android app project

BiRadio Project

ACM for locks system

BiCast system

Wobbi Portal


Our Play Store

Our Apple Store

Copyright © 2013-2023 Wobbi Technology Limited,All rights Reserved
Website(BiWeb, version:, date: 12/6/2021)
Information last updated: 3/10/2023
Browser: IE(Desktop)


Website and Windows Application Development

WobbiTech offers Website server and Windows application development services over a range of technical environments, including Microsoft-Intel platforms.
We have solid experience in developing PC-based, single-user, network-based and Server-Client development application, especially for the following technical skills.
  • Networks(web server, tcp/udp communcation)
  • USB HID driver/application
  • Audio process(record, playback, edit, filter, VOIP)

Android apps development

Develope Android apps for the requirement of our client.(Network communication via UDP/TCP, NFC exchange data...)

MCU software development

We can develope MCU-based software for consumer products. Here at WobbiTech we can design hardware, PCB layout and develope firmware for the project, and provide R&D service to make prototype or HMS(Hand Made Sample) for OEM/ODM.

Our IP

WobbiTech have developed several Intelligent Properties, relating to data communication, we have:
MyCast protocol
Data exchange between peer-peet and server-client in LAN, UDP and TCP level management, we use this protocol to implement the "LAN sperker" function in our HKV series products.

BiCast protocol
Data exchange between server and client in internet, UDP and TCP level management, we use this protocol to implement the "BiCast POD system" function.

W-phone 128-bytes encryption protocol
This encryption protocol is used for data communication in the network, data are scrambled in 128 bytes packet for communication, it's designed for 8-bit MCU system, we use this protocol in our projects for security protection purpose.

OTC, TCC6 and TCC10 algorithm
OTC(One-Time-Code) and TCC(Time-Control-Code) are our 6-digit and 10-digit code encode & decode algorithm, it can be used in the application of electronic lock management system, the mobile App "ACM for locks" supports this technology.

Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development