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HKV-001 Project

HKV-005 Project

HKV-008 Project

HKV series player Android app project

BiRadio Project

ACM for locks system

BiCast system

Wobbi Portal


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Website(BiWeb, version:, date: 6/12/2021)
Information last updated: 3/10/2023
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HKV series player Android app

We have developed Android apps to connect Wobbi portal and HKV series devices, HKV-001 radio app and HKV-005 radio app can control HKV-001 and HKV-005 radio device, display more information about stations and easy search station on-line. also these apps can be used as MP3 stream player to listen lots of internet radio stations without connected to hardware device, user can download free and use to evaluate our radio portal and powerful internet radio management functions.

HKV-001 Android app HKV-005 Android app

Products Solutions Technologies
HKV-001 internet radio BiCast platform PC software development
HKV-005 internet radio HKV series internet radio Android apps development
HKV-008 internet radio Wobbi Portal MCU software development